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Survey Fieldwork and Interim Reports. The Lesnes Abbey and Woods Archaeological Survey Project


Updated: Jan 18, 2022

Archaeological and Historical Research Programme,

Season 2021-2022

Following on from our archaeological survey and research project across the Lesnes Abbey Kitchen buildings along the north-western side of the Cloister, I am planning to continue this seasons research work during November 2021, January 2022 and March 2022

The Lesnes Abbey Estate Research Group is a voluntary group open to anyone who has an interest in the archaeology, history, geology and ecology across Lesnes Abbey and its southern woodlands. So, if you would like to join us and help carry out these archaeological-historical survey projects, please contact me at

At the moment I have three survey projects, which we hope to start in:

November 2021.

Carry out several site surveys and archaeological-historical research in and around the standing remains of Lesnes Abbey.

The Dorter and Rear Dorter survey is now nearing completion, and an interim report has been started, which will be published on this website soon.

Please watch this space.

January-February 2022

Carry out several site surveys and archaeological-historical research across the north-eastern side of the Lesnes Abbey Woodlands.

March 2022

Carry out several site surveys and archaeological-historical research across the south central part of the Lesnes Abbey Woodlands.

Nearer the time I will send out more details regarding dates and times, along with any meetings beforehand to discuss the survey sites, research projects, and where necessary provide initial training on survey methods and techniques.

Once these surveys have been completed and reported on, it is hoped that some areas may lead to further archaeological fieldwork in future seasons, all of which will provide a better understanding of the archaeology and history across the Lesnes Abbey Estate.

Kind regards


Anthony B Thomas BA (Hons), MCIfA

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